Mercedes-Benz Pioneers Automated Driving with Groundbreaking Exterior Marker turquoise-colored Lights Approval

By DaMarko Webster

In a historic move, Mercedes-Benz has emerged as the trailblazer in the automotive industry by securing permits for special exterior marker lights for automated driving in California and Nevada. This notable achievement positions the luxury automaker as the world’s first to obtain such permits, a milestone that marks a significant leap forward in the realm of autonomous vehicle technology.

The exemption permit granted by California is a crucial green light for Mercedes-Benz to conduct testing on automated vehicles, a privilege limited to an initial two-year span. Meanwhile, the Nevada permit carves a unique path for Mercedes-Benz, extending to the Model Year 2026 production vehicles, and remains valid until statutory modifications are enacted with the state legislature.

The introduction of these marker lights opens a new chapter in the interaction between automated vehicles and other road users. Beyond the technological advancement, these lights are poised to play a pivotal role in enhancing public acceptance of automated driving and bolstering road safety. The turquoise-colored marker lights, designed in accordance with SAE J3134 Recommended Practice, serve as a visual cue to the external world, providing clarity on the status of the automated driving system.

Markus Schäfer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz Group AG and Chief Technology Officer, emphasizes the groundbreaking nature of this achievement, stating, “With the development of automated driving marker lights, Mercedes-Benz is once again setting new industry standards. We are the first automaker in the world to receive such approvals in the U.S., specifically in California and Nevada.”

The incorporation of these marker lights is a strategic move, aligning with the drive toward increased automation on roads. This development not only facilitates better communication between automated vehicles and other road users but also equips traffic law enforcement and police officers with a means to identify the system’s status, ensuring compliance during conditionally automated journeys.

The first use case of these marker lights will be in conjunction with DRIVE PILOT, Mercedes-Benz’s pioneering SAE-Level 3 system for conditionally automated driving. The deployment of DRIVE PILOT in testing vehicles in California signifies a tangible step toward realizing the full potential of autonomous driving technology.

The turquoise color of the marker lights is not arbitrary; it’s the result of meticulous consideration. Chosen for its visibility, distinctiveness from existing vehicle lighting, and minimal chance of confusion with established traffic signals, turquoise emerges as the optimal color for automated driving. This choice is rooted in both physiological and psychological factors, as supported by numerous test studies.

Mercedes-Benz doesn’t view this achievement as an isolated success but as a catalyst for future standardization and harmonization in the industry. The commitment to standardize the turquoise color globally for visualizing the automated driving state reflects a forward-looking approach. While there is currently no overarching framework for turquoise lights in the U.S., China, or the UN-ECE, the granted exemptions in California and Nevada pave the way for a future globally harmonized regulation, ensuring heightened safety for all road users and fostering ongoing technical innovations.